Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Video of Tham Chanot Go-Go Girls

Yesterday, I wrote about the concert at the doorway to the water underworld.

Today I am attaching a clip from the over two hours of video that I shot of the show. I am learning that filming is not necessarily too difficult to accomplish but capturing good audio is very difficult. Although I set the camera's microphone to low setting, the sound is blown out due to the loudness of the speakers and intensity of the bass portion of the music.

If this experiment works out, I will most likely post some clips of a guy who became my friend during the show. He is the drunk guy dancing up a storm. He had moves that I had not seen in over 40 years and most likely won't see for another 40 - if I live that long!

I spent all day editing the video to produce a DVD for my brother-in law. I have a draft but I need to edit it some more to get it completely on a single DVD.

All this editing and viewing has inspired me - I will now create a gallery entitled "Go-Go Girls" at

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