Showing posts with label Yellowstone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yellowstone. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Allen's World, 2013 In Review

Now that just about everyone has gotten out their "Year In Review" or "2013 In Review", I thought that I would share some of my favorite photographs for the year that just concluded.  Staying here in Thailand gives me the opportunity to actually have two years in review, 2013 as well as the Buddhist Era year of 2556.

Life here in Isaan continued to be very interesting as well as fulfilling.  There were more than a year's share of festivals, family events, travels, and ordinary daily activities to keep me both satisfied and more importantly happy.

So let's see what the past year brought forth.

January - Udonthani

February - Ban Chiang
March - Si That

April - Maehongson

May - Ban That

June - Yellowstone National Park

July - Ban Nong Han

August - Ban Tahsang

September - Ban Nong Han

October - Sakon Nakhon

November - Ban Tahsang

December - Luang Prabang

It had been quite a memorable year as every year is.  It was filled with joy, sadness, challenges like all the previous years.  It had been a year of many opportunities just as all previous years and as I know this new year, 2014, will be - for everyone.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A New Photo Gallery Is Now Available

A new gallery on my personal photography website is now available for viewing and purchase of prints.


The gallery contains selected photographs from our June visit to Yellowstone National Park

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Oldies But Goodies

White Model 706 Passenger Bus - 1930s Vintage

We are back home in Isaan now for about a week from our trip back to America.  We are caught up now to the point that I can consider writing blog entries after over a month's absence.

It was a great trip highlighted by a one week long visit to Yellowstone National Park, a visit with my cousin in Downeast Maine, and visiting with one of my best friends from high school and his wife after 40 years.

I wanted to share a different part of America with Duang on this trip to the United States.  I can not think of a better place to share with someone from outside of the US than Yellowstone National Park.  The landscapes as well as wildlife are unique and are national treasures.

Duang absolutely loved the area and animals.  I was surprised at how adept she was at spotting wildlife at great distances.  The only problem that we encountered was in the early days of our visit.  She did not know the names of animals so when she spotted something she said that she saw  "big black dog" - this term applied to buffalo, black bears, and in the case of mammals that were not black such as deer, pronghorn, big horn sheep, grizzly bears and elk "big dog, same color my hat".  Needless to say it all made my trip that more entertaining!

Some of our unanticipated pleasures were several encounters with links to a long gone by age in Yellowstone National Park - the canvas topped 1930s era White touring buses,  Eight of the original 98 bright yellow 14 passenger buses were restored in 2007 and returned to service.

The White Motor Company was a predominate maker of trucks in 20th century America.  Unfortunately, like so much of America's heavy industry, the company did not make it out of the century.

The White Model 706 buses in Yellowstone are bright yellow and the 33 of the buses used in Glacier National Park are a deep rich red.

"Red Jammers", White Model 706 Buses, In Glacier National Park
The White buses hearken back to a time when industrial design embraced many artistic elements.  Even today the artistic beauty of the front chrome grills are testaments to the taste and skill of their Russian immigrant designer so many years ago.  Seeing the old buses was a welcomed relief from the countless utilitarian vehicles that ply the Yellowstone roadways today.

Duang was fascinated by the grand touring vehicles - there is nothing comparable to them in Isaan or the whole of Thailand.  These buses were another unique experience for her, another unique memory of America for her.

Yellowstone Panorama and Me Reflected in Model 706 Bus

Friday, July 3, 2009

Yellowstone National Park Spring Photo Gallery

I have finally completed reviewing, editing, and adding captions to the photographs that I took during my recent trip to Yellowstone National Park.

Some of the photographs are available to view on my photography website:

I researched and added the Latin scientific names for the animals in the photographs i.e. ursus arctos horribilis, ursus americanus ...

Adding the Latin names brought back fond memories of 9th grade Biology class where we had to memorize many of the names. I remember that my studies motivated me to develop my own family and genus associated with my younger sister - "Bitchus americanus". I am no longer angry at my sister and do not use the term in association with her. However during my stay here in America I did take some photos of "Bitchus americanus" but for obvious legal considerations I will be sharing them only with my wife back in Thailand.

It was my observation that the species "Bitchus americanus" is thriving in the USA both in numbers and definitely in size. Perhaps the proper name should now be "Bichus americanus magnus"

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Yellowstone Park in Spring

Last week I spent four days in Yellowstone National Park photographing all creatures great and small. Some creatures were not so great and many were definitely not small.

I saw bald eagles, moose, elk, mountain sheep, deer, grizzly bears, black bears, bison, pronged horn antelope, sand hill cranes, coyote, dogs, ravens, many song birds and people.

Having spent most of the past five years overseas I realized that I was looking at America with a different set of eyes. I am amazed at how large a country America is - relatively and figuratively. It is very difficult to find a small soft drink to buy. The small size that is commonly available now as well as its associated price is more than I need or want. Bottled water was available for $1.79 a bottle. I filled my empty juice bottle from breakfast with water from the drinking fountains at visitor centers and bathrooms. I can't imagine the $1.79 bottled water being better than the free water that I enjoyed. It is not that I am cheap. Maybe I am, but in Thailand we have to buy bottled water for drinking and it costs all of $0.35 for approximately 5 gallons!

Portions of food served at restaurants are very large and you are faced with the dilemma at each meal of wasting food or eating too much. My observations have been that most people choose to eat too much - way too much. It was rather shocking to see so many morbidly obese people - especially women waddling around Yellowstone. I have never seen so many canes and walkers being used in a public place as I observed in the park.

The populations in South East Asia are much younger than in the United States. The aging population will present serious social and economic challenges for the United States in the near future. In addition to the increased need for services and care for the elderly people, there will be fewer working people to contribute taxes to fund the programs. In m travels on this trip, the effects of the economic crisis was readily apparent. I am shocked at the number of stores and companies that have shutdown. It is all rather depressing - I see it on the faces of the people and feel it myself. There is a lack of optimism that pervades American society at this time.

However Yellowstone was great - as usual. This was my seventh trip to the park and it was just a fascinating as my first trip 33 years ago. The fires of 10 years ago have dramatically altered the scenery in many areas of the park. Twenty years ago I hiked in the back country along Grebe and Ice Lakes. At the time I felt that I was hiking through a jungle. The tall and crowded mature lodge pole pine forest has been burned away and replaced by a more open forest of small pine trees. The sight of these changes at first is disturbing for we always seem to want to maintain the status quo of our lives and surroundings however upon reflection one realizes that these changes are a natural occurrence in the life cycle of the area. The changes provide opportunities for species to adapt and thrive. The species that can take advantage of these opportunities decline. Yellowstone Park is a large theater where the ebbs and flows of life and death are played out each day.

The Park was a bright green due to the daily rains. The precipitation was sporadic and localised. I can honestly say that it did not really affect my visit. Understanding that the rains were responsible for the reemergence of the plants and grasses that the bison, bears, elk, sheep, and deer were feasting upon made dealing with the occasional inconvenience much easier. The lack of brilliant sun light and higher temperatures actually made observing animals easier. One day was particularly cool, wet, and heavily overcast - the best day I had for watching animals.

For some reason on this trip the thermal features as well as thermal activities of the park impressed me the most. It was very as well as readily apparent that the Yellowstone Basin sits atop an active volcanic region. The geysers, mud pots, and hot water springs all give testament to the heat and pressures beneath the surface of the park.

The Park was not very crowded and the anticipated traffic jams due to road construction or tourists never materialized. There were nightly road closings from Norris to Madison but they started at 10:00 P.M. The road reopened at 8:00 A. M. which could have affected early morning efforts to get from West Yellowstone to the Lamar Valley but I slept so well that I wasn't on the road until 8:00 A. M. anyhow. I was fortunate to see Grizzly bears at the beginning of my trip so I felt no need to get to the Lamar Valley for sunrise. It would have been great to see a wolf and even greater to be able to photograph one but most likely an unrealistic expectation. There were many reports of wolf activity from the friendly and dedicated wolf watchers that frequent the Park. However in listening to their expert accounts it was readily apparent how serendipitous a photographic encounter would be - so remote a probability that I could not rationalize or justify getting up at 3:00 or 4:00 A.M. to get to the Valley in the early morning. My 300 mm lens was also not powerful enough to capture a good image of wolf at the typical spotting distances. I slept later, relaxed, and more thoroughly enjoyed each day in the Park admiring the animals and scenery.

I failed in my first tests of cultural re-adaptation in America. I came upon two courting black bears at Petrified Tree in the park. It was not difficult to locate them or to come upon them. Another tourist at a different location where I was photographing baby coyotes told me about it and when I arrived there were two Rangers attempting to control the jam of cars as well as people. I pulled over off of the road and walked down to where one of the Rangers was located.

The Park Ranger was not allowing people pasted the point where he had stationed himself. The other Ranger was not allowing people past the point where she had positioned herself further down the hill. The Rangers wanted to keep the area directly in front of the bears open over concerns for the safety of the people. A female in estrus and a male courting her are an emotional unstable pair of bears.

In addition to controlling the spectators, the Rangers were attempting to keep traffic moving past the site. Besides trying to eliminate emotional flare ups of drivers due to congestion, cars stopped in front of the bear's location could provoke an attack by the bears.

The Rangers politely informed everyone not to go past their position for their personal safety. Our location was demarcated by a small pine tree. I was amazed at the lack of respect and attention paid to the Park Rangers by the motorists. Drivers ignored and openly defied the Ranger's requests as well as demands that they keep moving. Since the Park Rangers were not carrying guns, I suggested that he use the Bear Spray on some drivers to get them to move and to make an example of those who defy authority. The Ranger indicated that he would like to use the spray but could not. Instead he left the tree to go down the hill to the traffic jam to give the offending driver a little more personal attention to get them to move along.

Additional people were joining our group after having parked their cars and walking down the hill to our position. One group of people lead by a plaid shirted wiry elderly man with a baseball cap that honored some naval vessel sauntered past our location towards the bears. I politely called out in a non threatening manner "Excuse me sir. Excuse me sir. The Ranger said that he did not want people going past this point"

He stopped and looked at me and yelled "Who are you? You are not the Police! You shouldn't be telling people what to do!" I shocked myself and calmly replied without hesitation "Fine. Go ahead and get attacked by a bear. I will take a picture and make some money!"

I did not feel threatened by him since his voice and demeanor were more like a small child whining and complaining to their parent then an adult preparing for a physical confrontation. However I was somewhat taken aback by his anger. I suppose that he was upset that in his mind I had attempted to take away some of his perceived freedom to do what he wanted, when he wanted and how he wanted. One of the tourists, I believe her to be English, next to me remarked to me in a supportive tone that I was only trying to help him and that I was concerned for his and his party's safety. I replied that I was not necessarily concerned about their safety but I was concerned that if they were attacked the Rangers would make everyone leave and I wanted to take more pictures of the bears. She thought that I was joking and she laughed.

As the man left he waved good by to me - sort of. I thought it to be all rather amusing. In Thailand people watch out for each other especially in matters that involve figures of authority. As Duang would remind me "America not same as Thailand!"

Having not had the opportunity to photograph a bear attack on a human, my secret desire was to be able to photograph a grizzly bear or even a black bear carrying off or devouring someone's precious FiFi or Fido. I was amazed at the number of people traveling with their dogs. Most of the dogs were lap dogs. It did not seem proper to me to see domesticated canines in amongst the natural beauty and wilderness of Yellowstone National Park. Many of the dogs appeared to be substitutes for children which made the sight of them and their owners even more revolting to me.

I once read about some people who were into low impact camping and were concerned about the color of tents used in the wilderness. They objected to the use of unnatural colors corrupting the natural beauty of the wilderness. I guess that I have gone beyond them. Somehow I believe that it is sacrilegious to contaminate the park with barks, yips, and feces of domesticated dogs - city dogs worst of all!

I left Yellowstone with 1,100 new photographs to be reviewed, edited, and cataloged. I have started the process and with all the wet and cool weather here in Connecticut at my parent's home, I have made excellent progress in the tasks.

Once I return home to Udonthani in early July, I will consolidate my favorites and create a new gallery on my photography website,

Monday, June 15, 2009

Back In The USA

I have been back in the USA for a week now.

I finished my second full day at Yellowstone National Park.

Although it rained almost all day, it was a productive day. These are some shots of a young grizzly bear on Dunraven Pass in the rain. Haven't had time to edit all the photos or to write a blog on the activities of this trip.

I will get around to it soon.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Yellowstone In Winter

One of the interesting aspects in setting up this blog as well as my photography web site, is the opportunity to revisit places that I have been before. In many cases places that I have revisited and hope to visit again.

This year's Super Bowl is over. Here in Thailand it was this morning, 2 February starting at 6:30 in the morning.

I caught a little at the start of the game - unfortunately it included the National Anthem. I know that I should be kind and gentle regarding Jennifer Hudson because of her personal tragedy last year BUT IT'S THE NATIONAL ANTHEM OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! National anthems are supposed to be hard driving renditions in the realm of "God Save The Queen", the Soviet National Anthem, not an ethnocentric "cat a wailing" as presented to the world at the Super Bowl. It sounded very much like the two neighborhood cats here that were in heat last week. But to be honest, I was not surprised at either the choice of the performer nor the rendition of the anthem.

The last time that the Steelers were in the Super Bowl, 2006, I returned to my house from my trip to Yellowstone National Park just in time to watch the game.

Yellowstone is one of my favorite destinations. When I encounter people from foreign lands that are planning to visit the United States, Yellowstone is one of my strongest recommendations for them to visit. I discourage people from visiting the large cities especially New York City and Washington D.C.

My lack of enthusiasm for New York City isn't entirely due to my disliking of the Yankees, Knicks, and Rangers. I don't even recommend Boston to foreigners. My prejudice is against large cities. Most cities in America have a counterpart elsewhere in the world. Most these foreign cities have more to offer than the comparable American city. American large cities don't really offer much uniqueness to them. Skyscrapers dominate the skylines of all large cities in the world. Given the rise of Asia in the past 50 years, the relatively newer skylines of Asia are more unique and interesting than New York. Paris has better food than any US city. Paris and London have better museums than Washington. Hong Kong has better shopping than New York with the advantage of not having to deal with New Yorkers. New Orleans is an embarrassment. San Francisco, although dirty, is interesting but to me there are much better places to spend your time and money - the US National Parks.

What America has that is unique and precious is our natural beauty exemplified by our superior National Park System.

Yellowstone is one of my favorite National Parks. I typically visit the park in early June before the schools let out for summer. The first time that I visited Yellowstone in the Winter was in 2004. I read an article in the newspaper about touring Yellowstone in the Winter. Three weeks later I flew up to Bozeman, Montana. One trip in the Winter was all it took - to convince me that the Park is even better in the Winter.

I returned to Yellowstone in January and February 2006 to look for wolves. I signed up for tour with the Yellowstone Association. I was driving up to the Park so I allowed a couple extra days to tour the Park on my own - a great decision.

Road access in the Winter is limited - basically the northern Mammoth Springs part of the Park . There are few people in the Park during the winter are researchers or serious photographers or hard core tourists. This establishes a much greater sense of camaraderie than in the Summer when hordes of people with their children clog the roads in their over sized campers.

In the Winter the only congestion that you find on the roads are herds of bison using the semi plowed road for ease of travel. At pullouts along the road, you will find "professional" wolf watchers all too willing to share their knowledge about the Yellowstone wolves with you, latest sighting information, and a peek through their specialized spotting equipment. At other pull outs, as you eat your lunch in the peaceful solitude of a snow covered countryside, you may encounter University or federal researchers studying creatures such as elk, bison, coyotes, wolves, or mountain lions. They are also willing to share some of their time and knowledge.

The hardships of survival are more apparent in the Winter. Buffalo and elk carcasses provide the necessary nutrition for crows, coyotes, wolves and other animals to survive. The strains of winter survival are very visible on the elk and bison. As a part of our tour with a bonafide naturalist we were brought to the site of a recent wolf kill. We also used snow shovels to imitate the winter grazing efforts of the bison. The tour provided a greater understanding and appreciation of the ability of the park's wildlife to survive. All this plus wonderful natural beauty with very few people.

We hope to tour the USA starting this June. Naturally Yellowstone is towards the top of our list - just below family to see.