Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday, August 22, 2008

Why a Blog?

Today I asked myself and reflected on why I have started this blog.
In writing this blog my intention is not to defend or justify any of the choices that I have made in my life. My hope and purpose in creating this blog is to be able to share my experiences and my observations with family, friends, and others.
By sharing with others, perhaps they will be inspired to explore and question their world. If not, hopefully they will be entertained somewhat. A few smiles and laughs never hurt.

Many people, in particular Americans, have not had the opportunity or taken advantage of opportunities to live abroad. At my 20th high school reunion, I was awarded the prize for traveling the farthest - all the way from California to Connecticut!! It was astonishing to find out how many of my fellow students had not traveled outside of the New England area.

There is a danger in becoming complacent with your life and disinterested in anything outside of your immediate environment. Limited perspectives and perceptions can create a false sense of security as well as encourage arrogance. There usually is a price to be paid for both.

Until recently the windows on the world were television broadcasts. More than ever it is apparent that these broadcasts are not always completely truthful or unbiased. The corrupting influence of politics on the press, irregardless of nation, prevents the true free exchange of ideas, understanding, and communications between the peoples of the world.

I do not believe or have I observed that living in the United States makes you immune from a government influenced press or even from a controlled press.
Through this blog and my photographs, I hope to be able to demonstrate how different we are from each other all the while showing how we are all the same.

Pictures and narratives will be presented for the viewer to develop their own opinions.

While working and traveling throughout the world I have found people to be all the same. No matter where people live, we want to take care of our families, to be happy, and to live in peace. Conflicts arise due to the collisions of self serving agendas of governments and religious organizations.

Exposure to different cultures, customs, religions and environments has the ability to liberate the mind from perceived conventional thought and expected behavior.
This blog exposes some of my experiences ...

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